Bangkok’s Controversial “Hitler-chic”

Here’s hoping it’s a short-lived trend  ©

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Not since Prince Harry strutted in Nazi garb for a costume party, has the Führer caused so much furor. Thai teens have recently adopted what is called “Hitler-chic”, sporting clothing with cartoon images of Adolf Hitler.

Some foreigners are not amused. Israel’s local ambassador is one of them. You don’t want to see memories of the Nazi period trivialized in this manner. It hurts the feelings of every Jew and every civilized person.

It’s a lack of exposure to history, notes Harry Soicher, a Romanian who teaches at a Bangkok high school. If you don’t live in Thailand, you may find it hard to believe they really mean no harm.

Thailand isn’t the first country to use Nazi and Hitler references in fashion. Other Asian countries have used images, particularly in Japan where Nazi-style clothing is used in cosplay.

Additional details on the controversial trend can be found here.

  1. This is spreading?! I remember having seen a couple of Nazi flag t-shirts in Myanmar last year, and being pretty taken aback at the time. I didn’t realize it was throughout the region!

  2. Hi, I’m from Thailand. Sorry for the news. In Thailand, History is not the favorite subject. I’m sorry to say that the only reason for learning history in Thailand is for examination. Parents tends to encourage their children to read Math, Physics, Chemistry, etc.. (To get in Engineering School, Medical School or Law School, etc..) I can called myself middle age now and has a very satisfied work. When I recalled my knowledge about Hitler in my childhood about 15 years ago, I can’t think about Hitler much more than a bad character guy in Japanese Manga. He has turned into cyborg and fight with the Peacock King (Saga of the Phoenix). If someone in Thailand talks about Hitler, it may not be the same Hitler. It may be just a character in Manga that has a different absurd story. (Nowaday, I think the teenagers like South Korea Manga, South Korea Soap Opera, and South Korea Singers a lot.) By the way, I think telling us that our behaviors is bad is OK. We will improve it.

    (P.S. I’ve visit this shop once, but not get in, just pass by, before the news. I’ve never pass this shop again. Now, this shop is in the news. I think the world has just promote this shop already!!! Some respectable guy said to me that the best way to make something unnoticed is to make it not special. If you threat this topic special, it will special, and make the news. But if you just see it as an object, nothing special, it will reduce it’s significance to nothing. Hitler is bad, but he was dead a long time ago. He cannot do a thing now. We should remember his bad behavior, but anger is in our heart will destroy us. And it will destroy our target too. I don’t suggest any thing. Just to remind about bad property of hatre and anger that everyone already know.)

    And in the film “Little Nicky”, I saw Hitler dressed like a maid and was shoved a pine apple up his ass. That’s how I know Hitler. That’s how I pictured Hitler. That’s how I concluded that if I try something bad with his fictional appearance, no one will complaint much. I didn’t like to read History, but I learnt from more vivid media like Manga or Movie. (But you can tell me if it’s too far away from reality. If you tell me, I don’t have to read it myself. Reading history book is boring. Thanks in Advanced.)

  3. There is nothing wrong with the fad if it is only a fad. However what disturbs me is that another country telling the Thai’s how to act. This is the same as telling the south they can’t fly dixie because its offensive to blacks. I don’t recall anyone concerned about the American flag that is a symbol of oppression of the Native American. Are we as a country going to bring down the American flag and stop dressing up like cowboys? I think the Wisenthal center should think about this.

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