Bizarre Thai Ad Offers Ghosts, Ghouls and Transvestites [Video]

A new Thai ad for Sylvania light bulbs showcases a bizarre line up of some of the country’s most prominent, if little seen or heard inhabitants. Ghosts are more than just an integral part of Thai folklore. Their presence is expected, not just in myths and fables, but in everyday Thai life.

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So when monsters, ghouls and other assorted creatures begin traipsing across the screen in this ad for Sylvania bulbs, Westerners might be startled, but Thais, you suspect, are barely ruffled.

Even more telling of the country’s tolerance to otherworldly beings, none of the ghouls in the spot are of the Night of the Living Dead variety. Sure, some of them are dismembered and over 20 feet tall, but there is a sense of the lost and lonely rather than the fearful.

The highlight? When the little boy points at a strange looking apparition, and asks if it’s a ghost, and his father whispers, “No, son, that is just a transvestite.” Enjoy.

  1. Great find! I really got a kick out of it. This aspect of Thai culture can be strange to westerners. For example, a friend of mine was once approached by salesmen asking him to buy clothes for the dead.

  2. Wow, that is both hilarious and–creepy. I don’t care if they are the “lost and lonely” kind. Great find!

    This is going to be the impression of Thailand I’ll forever carry with me. ;)

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