Denver International Airport’s WiFi Blocking “Racy Sites”

Beware: Porn!
© hansol

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As a resident of Denver, I can’t help but admire DIA. Not for it’s blocking of Vanity Fair’s website or, but because the whole thing is just a glorified group of tents with a subway system. Its a new-age airport, defining an era of architectural excess and American one-oneupmanship.

While I commend DIA’s officials for providing free WiFi since November, 2007 to travelers forced to sit through snowy layovers and delays, its downright ugly to restrict said travelers from using the internet to view pornography and anything remotely connected to pornography through name association. It’s simple equations: Vanity = women, Boing = boners, so obviously anything even hinting at those sort of things will be blocked.

Chuck Cannon, a spokesperson for the airport said that “they would rather deal with infrequent complaints about access than handle angry parents whose children might see pornography.” The key word is “might.” If you’re lounging in an airport terminal or doing some work on the ol’ laptop in a bathroom stall, odds are you’re going to be very careful about who is peering over your shoulder and gaining access to the pornography you may or may not have paid for.

Critics decrying the internet filtering are comparing the censorship system to similar filtering methods used in “repressive regimes” such as Sudan and Kuwait. My message to critics: Go outside.

  1. This sounds like they are using SmartFilter, which is an proxying system that is notoriousfor a couple different reasons. First off, they miscatorgorzie sites all the time and getting off the list is near impossible. Second is they support blocking access to the internet in for regimes like Syria and Saudia Arabia.

    BoingBoing has a whole series of posts detailing how they had some story that had a picture that contained nudity in it a while ago and how it has been trying to get removed.

    I hate to see our public areas becoming so swept up in the fear of what a couple of perverts might look at that they step on the freedom for the rest of us and allow a company like Smartfileter to flourish.

  2. I for one am glad there is some effort made to keep public spaces from becoming taxpayer-funded adult video arcades.

    The public libraries are already facing notable problems with furtive onanists who drive away patrons and scare the staff.

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