Did An Airplane Drop a Load of Crap in This Family’s Backyard?


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Emma Gilfillan-Giannakos has spent $5,000 cleaning up what she claims is human waste from her suburban backyard near Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. She was sitting out on her covered patio while her kids played in the yard when a load of something smelly suddenly fell from the sky.

Transport Canada is investigating, but few answers seem to be available that come close to explaining the incident that left their pool and yard littered with chunks of an unidentified malodorous substance. Gilfillan-Giannakos contends that it is frozen fecal matter released from one of the many airplanes that flew over their property that afternoon. This is unlikely given how human waste is stored in flight, but it seems just as plausible explanation as any for this bizarre occurrence.

Find out more about this from The Toronto Star

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