$5 Jobs: Earn Extra Travel Money with Fiverr.com

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For backpackers and budget travelers looking to earn a little extra travel cash, Fiverr.com is “the place for people to share things they’re willing to do for $5.” Here’s how it works:

Fiverr.com - How It Works

That’s it. Stupid simple, right?

Current Fiverr.com gigs include everything from technical help (setting up your WordPress blog), to gambling (“I will teach you how to handicap any horse race in 5 minutes like a PRO! Impress your friends…Pick… for $5”), to the truly bizarre (“I will sing Happy Birthday as if I were Marilyn Monroe personally for $5”).

It’s the perfect place to find simple, location independent jobs to keep feedin’ that travel habit.

Founding Editor
  1. I’ve actually bought a couple Fiverr gigs off a guy who is traveling in Southeast Asia. Writing gigs would be particularly appropriate for a traveler, I’d think, if you have a facility with words. Or you could do that “I’ll hold a sign in front of the Taj Mahal” thing.

  2. We are a start up company seeking freelancers to offer their talents and services for $5, $50 or $100. With our option to pick the USA, we hope to stimulate the economy with the micro jobs that are offered. What might take only a few minutes to do for one, earning them $5 can be extremely valuable to another. Visit GigWebsite.net today. Shop, Post, Have Fun!

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