running shoes

First Backwards Running Championship Held in London

Running Shoes © Guttorm Flatabø

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Apparently driving on the wrong side of the road isn’t enough for the Brits. From Reuters, London is holding the first ever “backwards running” championship. In the video, note the runner in blue who takes the “turn-your-body-sideways-but-keep-your-head-looking-backwards” strategy to fool the judges:

Apparently running backwards burns more calories, which I guess starts to make up for the strained neck and high probability of tailbone injury. But the best justification comes from one of the contestants:

…I just thought it would be a good idea to try some backwards running.


  1. Apparently, that potshot at the Brits driving on the wrong side of the road is cheap and mischievous.
    They started the Industrial Revolution and they started the driving. We changed the rules.

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