Fish Survive 2011 Tsunami and Wash Ashore in America

tsunami debris © USFS Region 10

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When the tsunami happened back in 2011, the Fukushima nuclear plant was all anyone could think about, however the breadth of the disaster went beyond Fukushima. Debris continues to be recovered months and months later, and just recently survivors were found alive.

These survivors were sriped beak fish that had been in the bait box of a small fishing vessel that was caught up in the tsunami. The fish have fascinated scientists, who continue to study how they survived months at sea trapped in a box. The boat, named Sai-shou-maru, travelled thousands of miles, along with other debris, before washing up on the coast of Washington State. The fish are now living at an aquarium in Seaside, Oregon.

Find out more about this in The Globe and Mail

  1. Good story but only 1 fish is at the aquarium , they killed the rest of them.its a shame , they should have tried to save them if for nothing els for the fact that they were a symble of survival.

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