Gap Year Travel Advice In An American Newspaper?

Tsk tsk. I think not.

I was pleasantly surprised however to find that published an article titled Gap year advice: relish the freedom.

To my fellow Americans, can you imagine the NY Times publishing a “Top 10 Tips for Pre-College Students Traveling Around the World?”. Never going to happen. Bottom line in the U.S.: if you’re not a student and you’re unemployed, you’re a loser. You must either be working or be in school or you’re unproductively wasting your life. There’s no two ways about it here. It’s a shame really.

I haven’t even read the article, but it places in stark contrast the vastly different views on travel of Americans vs. the U.K. (and much of the rest of the industrialized world).

Founding Editor
  1. “Bottom line in the U.S.: if you’re not a student and you’re unemployed, you’re a loser. … It’s a shame really.” Exactly! Looking back, I totally wish I had taken a year off between high school and college, if only to get my head together and work on finding myself or whatever. Once in college, it seemed OK to “stop out” for a while, but there’s still this pressure to do your time in four years and get out of there. (Found your blog via Upgrade: Travel Better, by the way.)

  2. Thanks for checking in, Jeff.

    I find it ironic that many of my friends who decided to “make something” of their lives by doing their time in college have been out for some time and still have no idea what they want to be, career-wise. Many have a 4-year degree with some vague major and are now floating listlessly from one job to another – all completely unrelated to what they went to school for to begin with.

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