Greatest Rock Video of All Time Hits YouTube, Just in Time for Thanksgiving

2009-11-23 VB - Muppets

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A feel-good experience – destined to instantly go viral – to ease you into our impending, collective food coma. One-half rock ballad, one-half nostalgia brilliance, and 100% undiluted awesome, may we present the only cover of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody ever to come close to the genius of the original. Begging the immediate and probably irresolvable question: which production involved more drugs?

Now there’s a argument getting floated that this somehow isn’t the greatest rock video in the history of acoustics. The suggestion has been made that it’s not even the greatest Muppet musical performance of all time. At first we were skeptical to the point of hostility, but now that we’ve seen this video of drumming diety Buddy Rich rocking out with Animal – suffice to say that it’s a pretty intimidating entry:

Feel free to play these over and over again throughout the coming few days, if only to keep your relatives distracted with shiny things. It’s no substitute for the alternative – heavy drinking, deeply integrated into the Thanksgiving experience – but it does make for a nice supplement.

Although it’s an intensely depressing reminder that Animal is not only much cooler than we are but also seems to have a lot more fun than we do. Not so intense that drinking won’t dull the pain. But still – he’s a puppet!

And on that note we leave it up to you to battle it out in the comments section. Bohemian Rhapsody masterpiece or drum rocking insanity or both? In the meantime we’re off to overeat, overdrink, and keep chanting “mother says it’s not polite to discuss politics around the dinner table” over and over again under our breath.

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