
Green Day Frontman Booted Off Flight for Sagging Pants

Airplane © Robert S. Donovan

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Billie Joe Armstrong, the lead singer for Green Day, was booted off of a Southwest flight when he refused to pull up his sagging pants.

From the AP:

An ABC7 news producer who was on the same flight told the station that a flight attendant approached Armstrong as the plane was getting ready to take off and asked him to hike his pants higher. The producer, Cindy Qiu, says Armstrong initially responded by asking the attendant if there weren’t “better things to do than worry about that?”

But the attendant persisted and told Armstrong he could be ejected for his refusal to comply. When Armstrong insisted he was just trying to get to his seat, he and a traveling companion were taken off the plane.

At least he didn’t take the French approach to demonstrating indignation on a flight.

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