India in a New Light

Indian Statue

Travel writing isn’t easy. I certainly won’t claim to be an expert. How many different ways can you describe a place that so many other travelers have visited and opined before you? How can you differentiate your view of a particular waterfall, local market, or mountain view from that of everyone else’s in a way that captivates and inspires your reader?

What’s that old adage: “There are no new ideas; only new ways to look at old ideas.”? Something like that.

Every post I read about India usually involves some variation on the “It’s an assault on your senses.” theme. Not so with Funchilde:

India. There’s so much to say about this country and yet, no words at all that are adequate to describe the heights and depths of emotions I experienced in a week. I love South Africa like a lover. I can see a future, laughter, good food, wine, music, a life created together. I love India like a friend. I want the best for her, I’m better for having known her, she confuses and challenges me, points out the good and bad in me, and calls me on my bullshit, makes me want to be a better person.

I love it – it’s pithy, creative and, best of all, fresh. It’s this kind of writing that inspires me to blog better; to rethink my own posts; and to not simply rehash what my guidebooks say.

Founding Editor
  1. how flattering! that was a tough post to process and put on paper and i’m glad that you got something out of it.

    I’m excited to follow your preparation and journey.


  2. It’s well deserved, Funchilde. I love reading your blog. I raise my glass in toast to many more happy travels for you and yours!

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