Ireland to Switch to Right-Hand Drive Cars?

Ireland Road
© jack_g

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Left-hand driving in Ireland is proving difficult for foreign visitors to master, and should be phased out in favor of the universally popular right-hand driving system, a senior Irish politician says.

The number of travelers visiting Ireland has increased dramatically in the past few years, and Americans and Europeans are flocking to the Emerald Isle in droves, attracted by the buoyant economy. Most of these people come from countries where right-hand driving is the norm, making it hard for them to make the switch.

The politician, Donnie Cassidy, also suggests that to keep things easy for visitors, drivers arriving from right-hand driving countries should observe a 50 miles per hour speed limit instead of the 120 kilometers per hour speed limit for locals.

At least a quarter of the world’s driving population prefers the left-hand, and these are mostly former British colonies like India and Australia.

  1. To reduce the strain the idea is they are going to introduce the drive on the right in stages, starting with trucks and buses later this year, next year cars and motorbikes….

  2. Daft idea! Think of the cost and changing all those new low floor buses. As for foreign visitors, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
    Mr. Cassidy must have been drinking Caffreys,it has that effect.

  3. This is a very confusing article LHD means the steering wheel is on the left. driving on the left is totally the opposite! In any event what would happen if these tourists went North! There is a club for RHD cars in Los Angeles where a lot of people drive on any side of the road? check out, we need more RHD. By the way, in the US almost all post office delivery vehicles, and RHD and they seem to manage OK.

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