Passenger Planes to Be Tested with Anti-Missile Devices

Yes, you read that correctly and air travel just got a whole lot sexier. We’re talking “James-Bond-secret-spy-agent” sexy!

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The Department of Homeland Security will soon begin testing anti-missile systems on passenger planes. Three American Airlines Boeing 767-200s will be fitted with anti-missile devices to check the levels of maintenance required, and the fuel consumption of these devices.

The anti-missile jammers work with heat sensors to detect incoming missiles and shoot a laser at it to divert it from its course … all perfectly harmless. (Unless you’re the missile, of course)

The three guinea pigs ”¦ er ”¦ planes involved in the experiment fly between New York and California, carrying thousands of passengers each day.

Officials were quick to point out that no missiles will actually be fired at planes during the testing process. Whew.

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