“Romance Travel” — It’s a Thing, But Probably Not What You Think

Bail © Khrisna Susanto

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The phrase “Romance Travel” evokes images of being pampered by your sweetheart, having a honeymoon type trip on a whim, or extending the blissful feeling of Valentine’s Day for an extended time away with your beloved, but in some circles the term has a difference connotation.

Apparently “Romance Travel” has been adopted as a euphemism for the practice of female sex tourism. Men travelling to destinations for the express purpose of getting laid is a well-known phenomenon, but the reverse scenario has undergone little scrutiny until now.

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, and some women are apparently just as frisky, and perhaps desperate, as their male counterparts when it comes to the controversial practice of sex tourism. The most popular destinations among women are Southern Europe and the Caribbean, in contrast to men’s preference for Asia as a sex tourism hotspot.

This trend is generating more debate, in part due to two films on the subject. Cowboys in Paradise is a documentary about female sex tourism in Bali, whereas The French Going South is a feature film depicting a group of French women who travel to Haiti in the 1970s.

Read more about this in Latin Sex Gazette.

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