Travel Movies: New ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ Trailer

World Hum has just posted the new trailer for the upcoming ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ book-turned-movie:

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Though it’s not normally a film I’d check out, I’m all too curious after having read the book. It’ll most definitely be a chick flick and, to be honest, I rather pooh-pooh’d the concept when I first heard Julia Roberts was playing the lead role. But … she actually looks appropriately cast to play Elizabeth Gilbert.

Founding Editor
  1. Not sure how the movie will be, but it’s safe to say that it will inspire some to embrace long term travel! Even though the book wasn’t my favorite travel memoir – it did bring the idea of breaking away from career/life and traveling for longer than 2 weeks to the mainstream – and for that I’m thankful

  2. Hmmm, interesting. I really liked the book (except the India bit which I found too long and tedious) and have been waiting to see how it’ll turn out as a movie. But I’m a bit vary of having Julia Roberts cast as the lead. Thinks it might be more interesting if it’s someone less….over-powering?!

    Anyways, guess we’ll just have to see! It might be good afterall!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing the movie trailer for ‘Eat, Pray, Love’! I loved the book and look forward to the movie version with Julia Roberts.

  4. I know there are a of of mixed emotions about that book- one of my friends actually put it down mid way and never returned to it! I happen to like the book and some of the running themes- (visiting places that all start with “I” Italy, India and Indonesia).

    Another interesting book turned movie is “Life of Pi” written by Yann Martel. It’s in pre-production and scheduled to come out in 2011. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I am looking forward to the movie. I enjoyed the book, but did not love it.

    It seems like this movie will be inspirational for many who have toyed with the idea, but have been letting the excuses get in the way.

  6. The Balinese portion of Eat Pray Love is DEEPLY flawed. The whole premise of her calling her Balinese friend a liar because she did not buy the land is completely off for a number of reasons. It takes many MONTHS for Balinese to find and secure land. Ms Gilbert was in Bali for only 4 months.. also the Balinese believe that if a gift is given it is given with the heart and no thanks are neccessary to the giver. Ms Gilbert book is about her “rescuing” a Balinese woman and getting pissed cos she did not feel appreciated enough. No understanding at all!

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