Yellow Fever Alert in Brazil

The BBC is reporting a yellow fever alert in Brazil.

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Brazilian authorities are asking travelers headed to the country to check their vaccination needs, after a man died of yellow fever, the first such case in urban Brazil since 1942.

In recent weeks, as many as 12 suspected yellow fever cases have been reported, and at least 3 of them have been fatal.

Yellow fever is usually found in the rural areas of Brazil, and authorities believe that is where the most recent victim was infected — he had spent the New Years holiday in a rural part of Goias state.

The government has been quick to assuage fears, and says there is no sign of an epidemic, but more than half a million people have already received their vaccination shots.

Yellow fever isn’t the only problem health authorities are grappling with — cases of dengue fever have also increased. From January to July last year, at least 98 dengue fever fatalities had been reported in the country.

  1. While travellers may not come into contact with the disease directly, it could affect entry in other countries. Many countries in South America and Asia require proof of a Yellow Fever vaccination when travelling to or from an infected country.

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